Review: Rebel by Callie Hart

Title: Rebel
Author: Callie Hart
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Type: Book 1 of Dead Man’s Ink series
POV: First Person – Dual




Live For Something. Or Die For Nothing 

Alexis Romero was a dutiful daughter from a respectable family. One unfortunate night she found herself at the wrong place and time where she became a witness to a murder. She ended up being taken, given new identity as Sophia, and eventually sold to Rebel, the President of the Widow Makers MC who needed her for his own personal vendetta.

Rebel is a prequel spinoff from the Blood & Roses series which is one of my top favorite series. If you’ve read the series, you already got a glimpse of who Rebel was. If you haven’t read it, it won’t be a problem because it can be read as a standalone without any potential spoilers.

I love how this book perfectly explained the unknown situations that happened during this timeline that led to the events in B&R. Though I have to say, compared to B&R (which were novella length), this one had a little less intrigue and actions.


When I first came across Rebel’s character in B&R, I didn’t really like him. Then as we got to know his motivations, I ended up liking him and wanted to know more about him. This book made me fall in love with him. We got more of his past and his background, and boy, Rebel really was something else! I got nothing but respect to him.

I really love what made up The Widow Makers. They were not your typical MC with the varieties of the members and their rides. I adore Carnie because on the surface he was so not MC material.

I’m seriously fucking lucky to have my best friend at my back through this, just as he’s been at my back through everything else.

And of course I’ve love Rebel’s best friend, Cade since in B&R. I love that we got to learn more about their friendship and families.

I’m glad I finally warmed up to Alexis. She’s no Sloane, but she held up on her own. I understood now why things ended up happened the way it would be in the future.

I really like how Sophia and Rebel’s “relationship” developed. There wasn’t a relationship per se, at least not until the very end. But for something that didn’t have a lot of sexy times, these two managed to hold my attention. Their chemistry was great. I love the subtle pull and push between them.

“You’re feisty. I like that. And you give me shit. Not many people feel like they can do that.”
“Probably because they’re tied to a chair, scared for their lives, right?”

Rebel would definitely appeal to existing Blood & Roses fans and could very much gain new fans.


This review is also available on Goodreads.

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